Workforce Development and Education Consulting & Project Management

For help, please contact me at: Dr. Julie Murray-Jensen Education & Workforce Consultant – Nebraska                                                                                                                               503.962.9471  –

The Indispensable Value of Strategic Organizational Retreats

In a world, most often, that Americans do not pause to reflect, I am an unapologetic fan of the organizational retreat. Retreats can come with many names and many formats – the ½ day “extended meeting”, the 1-day “quarterly off-site”, the 2-3 day “annual retreat”, the all staff “strategic planning day”, the half-year “data summit”, etc., etc. etc.  They can be designed for executives, front-line personnel, all-staff, or any team in between. But regardless of Continue Reading

Why Workforce Development Continues to be Important

The research is clear – having skilled, meaningful work makes a positive difference in the lives of individuals and communities.  Workforce development – or ensuring that prospective and current employees have the meaningful learning and growth opportunities they need to serve organizations and communities well towards the well-being of all – continues to be a vital investment. Towards this end, three factors must be taken into account: the market, the individual, and the connector of Continue Reading

Encouraging College Enrollment at US High Schools

Another Example of Culture Eating Strategy for Breakfast? Interesting new study on the effects of a statewide Promise program.   A year of research spent on examining one state’s public high school data, as related to post-secondary enrollment using a statewide Promise program, yielded some interesting findings. Although this reflects just one study, in one state, regarding statewide Promise program efforts, what does this mean?  It seems apparent that high students attend (and don’t attend) college Continue Reading